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Learn how to make ceramics

Having recently shifted to ceramics as my main medium, the Easter holiday became a period of profound growth and exploration. In returning to China, I immersed myself in the art of ceramics, a journey that not only sharpened my technical skills but also deepened my artistic philosophy.

During this time, I embraced the meticulous process of hand kneading and the wheel's rhythmic spinning, a testament to the tangible connection between the creator and creation. The versatility of clay as a medium unfurled before me, offering an open canvas for experimentation with different techniques. It was in this experimentation that the concept of wabi-sabi, the beauty of imperfection, resonated deeply with my work. The juxtaposition of rough pottery against the delicate intricacies of bubble glaze, and the fusion of ceramic and glass, resulted in pieces that speak of authenticity and harmony.

This exploration was not merely about creating functional items but also about imparting a piece of myself into each creation. Each vessel, with its unique texture and form, became a narrative of the hands that shaped it. These creations are not just objects but a dialogue between the artist and the material, the past and the present, the perfect and the imperfect.

Reflecting on this journey, it is evident that the philosophy of wabi-sabi is more than an aesthetic; it's a way of life. It teaches us to find beauty in the natural progression of life, to appreciate the cracks and the crevices, and to see the elegance in the asymmetry. It is a reminder that in art, as in life, there is beauty in every moment, in every flaw, waiting to be discovered and celebrated.


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